new music that cuts across boundaries and defies categories, created from collaborations between six incredible artists – who become Greater Than The Sum of their parts
with support from the InterplayNow Collective
Weds 9th Oct 2019 at Theatre Deli, Sheffield
Doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start
Tickets £10 / £8 / pay-what-you-can
or go to
Theatre Deli, 202 Eyre Street, Sheffield, S1 4QZ

Six artists commissioned to create new music in three pairs crossing over their very different genres and cultural backgrounds in unusual ways. To oppose fear, segregation and conflict through collaboration, sharing, improvisation. Exploring timely notions of what it means to move between cultures. Being rooted, to be from somewhere; to be complex and represent more than one identity. To be both accepted and an outsider, British and other. This is a musical premiere like no other, combining sound worlds in wholly new ways. Lyrical, accessible and beautiful, greater than the sum of its parts.
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